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Save to Pocket for Chrome
Editor's Choice

Bookmark sites, videos and images to view at a later date

Operating Systems:
Linux, macOS, Windows 10, Windows 7 (32 bit), Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows 8
Idea Shower
Software Cost:
Internet Tools
Date Updated:
24 July 2019
Downloads To Date:

How many times have you been browsing the web on your mobile or tablet and stumbled across and article that you would like to read but don’t have the time immediately? You could simply bookmark the sites that you want to read at some point in the future, but it is all too easy for such bookmark lists to become unwieldy and there is often no way to search for an article using keywords or other criteria.

One possible solution exists in the form of Pocket – which many people may have already used in in previous incarnation of Read It Later. This browser extension acts as a filing system for content you don’t have time to read, and everything you choose to ‘pocket’ is quickly synched so that it is made available on other devices. The extension is available for Firefox and Chrome and there is a toolbar button as well as context menu support.

Anyone who has used the likes of Instapaper will be familiar with the way in which Pocket works, but this app has a much more refined interface. Seemingly taking inspiration from the likes of Flipboard, the UI is clean and uncluttered and benefits from a lovely layout. There are a variety of views to choose from and content you have saved can be filtered by type so you can quickly jump to images you have saved or videos.

In addition to the extensions there is also an app available for iOS and Android, so you can make use the service no matter which platform you happen to be using. Whatever device you use to ‘pocket’ online content, it will all be made available through your online account that you can access using a computer, mobile or tablet – whatever suits you best at the time.


An excellent way to ensure that the web works the way you want it to, no matter what device you are using to get online.

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Bookmark sites, videos and images to view at a later date


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Discover new web sites by stumbling through what the internet has to offer

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