There must be numerous occasions when you have needed to look up a word because you don’t know its meaning. If you encounter an unfamiliar word on a web site, it is easy enough to highlight the word in question and perform a search for it. But if you are writing a letter and need to check exactly which word you should use in a sentence, it can be cumbersome to switch to your web browser to look it up in an online dictionary.
In these circumstances, Dictionary .NET may be just what you have been looking for. This is, as you’ve probably guessed, a dictionary tool that is always available. It sits in the system tray and can be called up with a single click, so you don’t need to worry about switching to a web browser and opening a new tab to perform a web search. There is also a useful floating icon that take the form of an analogue clock that can be positioned anywhere on your screen.
This dual purpose icon not only displays the current time – which is useful if you are working in full screen mode and do not have Windows’ clock visible – but it provides you with one-click access to the dictionary. The dictionary itself is wonderfully easy to use. Just type or paste in the word of your choice and hit enter It does not matter what language you use and there is support for 65 different tongues – this means that you are not only able to access definitions in other languages, but also perform translations.
If you are unsure how to pronounce a word, text to speech could help you out, although this may not be entirely reliable. With automatic language detection, translation of entire documents and handy options such as synonyms, and more, this is a great tool for writers and keen linguists looking to break away from their web browser – although the overall look of the app leaves a little to be desired.
Ver 9.6.7009 (Full Version History):
- Add: Add a hotkey for showing and Hiding the window (7009)
- Replace the original hotkey and double-click the Ctrl key to wake up the main window function.
- Upd: Update Security Protocol ( Tls11/Tls12 /Tls/Ssl3) (7009)
- Add: Main window right-click menu to add help option (Help) integrated help menu (7009)
- Fix: Fixed the problem that will still be displayed when the Clock Mode is set to None (7009)
- Upd: When the source is different from the detection language, in addition to the voice of the detection language, the source language voice is additionally added (7009)
- Upd: Update [automatically add language features], with the latest Google Translate update processing (7009)
- Fix: Update Bing Background Display Problem (7009)
- Upd: Optimized settings processing (7009)
- Fix: Fixed an issue with exceptions when querying [only] punctuation (6871)
- Upd: Others include cumulative small updates, corrections and optimizations (7009)
A great alternative to browser-based dictionaries, this is an wonderful tool for anyone involved in writing.
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