BrowsingHistoryView quickly displays the browsing history of your IE, Firefox, Chrome and Safari installations in a single table.
If this isn't convenient then you can restrict your data sources in several ways. You might exclude a particular web browser by clearing a checkbox, for instance; there's an option to display only data from a specific time period, perhaps between two specified dates; and you're able to choose which Windows profile folder you'd like BrowsingHistoryView to check (the current user, All Users, a specified folder, and more).
With this configured the program will display your combined browsing history in a lengthy list, including details such as the page URL, title, visit time, the number of visits, source browser and user profile.
This might easily contain thousands of addresses, but if you're looking for something specific then a Find option will help you search for the domain or link you need.
And as usual with NirSoft tools, the table can be quickly exported to an HTML report if you need it for reference later.
The nature of browser histories means this data isn't as neat as you might like. You don't always get a single entry per visited URL, for instance: there may also be lines mixed in relating to authentication, downloaded files, favicons, ads, scripts and more.
If you'd like to be able to search all your browser histories from one page then this is a simple way to do it, though, and as usual with NirSoft tools, BrowsingHistoryView is portable and very lightweight, requiring less than 350KB of drive space.
It needs more browser support, perhaps better filtering options, but even now BrowsingHistoryView is a compact and convenient way to examine or search a system's internet history
Your Comments & Opinion
An easy way to find out what's been happening on a shared PC
Browse your IE history and delete selected URLs individually
Discover the web sites that track you and then take back control
Discover the web sites that track you and then take back control
View all your browser's histories from one portable app
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