Advanced BAT to EXE Converter helps you develop useful batch files, extends their range with advanced custom commands, then compiles them into executables which will run on anything from Windows 98 upwards.
Converting your batch files in this way has all kinds of advantages. You can prevent them from being edited, for instance. They can have an icon of your choice, just like any other executable. The finished EXE files can include built-in security, so only those who know the password will be able to run them. And they'll run without that annoying command window you get with regular batch files.
This doesn't require any particular development knowledge, either. At a minimum, all you have to do is open an existing batch file, click File > Build EXE, provide an executable name and click OK > Build EXE. In a moment or two the file will appear, ready for use.
If you have even a small amount of scripting experience, though, you might appreciate Advanced BAT to EXE Converter's support for new batch file commands. There are only a few, but they're useful: you're able to accept text and mouse input, browse for files and folders, perform basic math, and more.
None of this is too surprising, of course - there are plenty of far more powerful scripting tools around. The built-in Advanced BAT to EXE Converter editor is weak, too (it makes Notepad look good). And licensing restrictions mean you can only run your compiled executables on one PC, unless you upgrade to the Pro version (from $39.95).
Still, if you just want to protect or compile the batch files on your own PC then Advanced BAT to EXE Converter is a simple way to do it, and we'd definitely recommend giving the program a look.
A very capable batch file compiler with lots of useful features. Just remember, you can't distribute your executables with the free version.
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