Is there a reason to go shopping for clothing at your local mall? Fashion retailers have spent years perfecting their apps to make home shopping a breeze. One the most interesting is GILT, a brand which has been operating online for some time, specialising in providing high-end brands at discounted prices.
GILT provides insider access to various sales which usually last a for a limited period of time, this enables app users to be able to access the usually higher-end brands for a cheaper price for a limited period of time. When you access the app, you can see GILTS "Top Picks" which shows what is available during the time you access, and it will also list sales coming up in the future so you can access the sale as soon as it comes on, so your size or styles of preference aren’t sold out.
You can also browse through the app by searching through various departments to see what is available at any time on the app, including categories of men, women, home and kids. Then you can search through the various categories under each filter. The app does offer worldwide shipping; however, this is not available for all items. Some household items do not ship internationally.
Comparatively to other apps you can get some really unique brand items at great prices and if you keep an eye on the sales and jump in at a good time you will also make sure all items are available. Finally, GILT also offers GILT city which offers Local lifestyle adventures, exclusive offers all at insider prices. Again, this is not offered in every major city but does provide a great local option if you have it available.
GILT is a great app, limited by its availability of city support and by restricted shipping across the world.
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