Gnote is a port of Tomboy to C++. Tomboy is written in Mono, which many Linux users feel uncomfortable about using, so, being open source, some did something about it. The core program and many of the plugins have been ported, although a few less popular plugin features are not available yet.
Gnote is a desktop note-taking application for Linux and Unix. Simple and easy to use, but with potential to help you organize the ideas and information you deal with every day. That's what the web site says, and it's true. Gnote works like a wiki, except it is self-contained. Start typing and when you type a wiki word, that's a mixed case word LikeThis, Gnote will highlight it as a link, which you can click on to open a new note with that name. Web and email addresses are also automatically highlighted and turned into links. You can also turn any normal word into a link by highlighting it and pressing the Link button.
Gnote appears as an icon on your toolbar, so it keeps out of the way yet pops up a list of recent notes, and a search facility, when clicked on. There is a growing collection of plugins to extend the capabilities of Gnote, from HTML export to printing to daily task notes, including support for importing from other note taking programs. Gnote is a simple, quick and unobtrusive program that you will find incredibly useful once you start using it.
For quick notes or more detailed organisation, Gnote is a good way to get your ideas in order.
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Add rich notes and documentation to your Zenkit projects.
Add rich notes and documentation to your Zenkit projects.
Add rich notes and documentation to your Zenkit projects.
Add rich notes and documentation to your Zenkit projects.
An open source Evernote clone that's available for multiple platforms
A note-taking app that has all of the bases covered
Notetaking tool that takes advantage of the iPhone's touchscreen
Tomboy is a fast and unobtrusive desktop note taking program.
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