Finding somewhere to eat, particularly for a larger party of people, can be tricky. Using OpenTable you can quickly track down restaurants all over the UK and around the world and reserve a table. You can search for individual restaurants or use GPS location to find out what’s nearby.
You can filter results by the type of restaurant you would like to visit, the average cost of food, and whether or not establishment offer Dining Reward Points – these can be redeemed for Dining Cheques at various restaurants.
The ability to check table availability and place reservations is very useful, but if you’re thinking of trying somewhere new, it is important to know what to expect. This is where Open Table reviews are very useful. App users are invited to review the restaurants they have visited for the benefit of other users.
If you have a few restaurants you like to visit frequently, they can be bookmarked to make it easier to check table availability. With the ability to send out dining invitations to your friends from within the app, OpenTable has everything you need to arrange the perfect evening out.
What's New in Version 13.20.0
Thanks for dining with OpenTable! Our app is regularly improved to better connect you with extraordinary dining experiences, each & every meal you share with OpenTable.
Wherever you are, OpenTable will help you to find and book a restaurant.
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