Fed up with that boring Windows logon screen? Change it for something better with Logon Screen, a tool that’s so simple it doesn’t bother with a help file. Just download the software, install it and then you can change your logon screen either by double-clicking the desktop shortcut or – better still – by right-clicking the desktop, where you’ll find a new option: Logon Screen.
Selecting this opens a window with your current logon screen shown: just click Browse to select your own replacement – you’ll need to make sure the aspect ratio is correct for your display before choosing it otherwise it’ll appear squashed or elongated. Once done, click Apply: if the file size is greater than 256KB the program will offer to resize it for you – click OK and the job is done.
That’s pretty much all there is – check your new background by clicking the Lock button, or click “Advanced appearance settings…” to make changes to the actual logon process, like displaying a message before the welcome screen appears. These changes can only be previewed by logging off and back on again.
It all adds up to a simple, quick option for switching your logon screen – there’s no help available, and the website is light on detail too, but you should be able to work your way around the program easily enough.
Build 2.55 brings these changes:
-New languages added: Georgian, Japanese and Lithuanian..
-Updated Italian and Vietnamese translations.
-Double click on the picture to browse for a new one.
Simple and quick tool for switching logon screen backgrounds. Shame it’s not compatible with earlier versions of Windows.
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