When you are travelling, whether it is for business or pleasure, there are certain resources that you are going to need access to. This includes information about what the weather is going to be like, details about the most up to date exchange rates and perhaps time differences around the world.
All of these tools and more can be found online, but they have also been brought together in the free app MUJI to GO. This iPad app has been designed as a collection of tools aimed at travellers and includes all of the aforementioned utilities.
As well as a five day weather forecast, world clock and a calculator, the app also includes a currency converter, information about the types of power adaptors used around the world and a simplified Google search interface. All of this sounds great, but the app is ultimately flawed.
While things all look very good, there is nothing here that can't be found online in a better format and the advertisements are particularly intrusive. Even though the app is completely free of charge, it is difficult to recommend simply because of its lack of originality and overbearing advertising.
MUJI to GO is a great idea, but in practice is fails to better the online tools it aims to replace.
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