Textfree Ultra gives you a real US phone number so you can text or call anyone, even if they don’t have the app. Textfree uses your data or WiFi connection to keep you in touch with friends and family all over the globe—and with features like group messaging, picture messaging, international calling & texting, emoji, stickers and voicemail, it’s the only messaging app you’ll ever need. All for free.
Not many free texting apps give you a real number. But having your own local phone number means you can call your grandma’s landline, order a pizza, SMS any number, and of course, hit up all your friends, even if they don’t have a smartphone.
With Textfree you get free SMS texting plus calling, totally free and unlimited. And now, Text free is the first free texting app enabled with real MMS picture messaging. That means you can even send picture messages to all your friends, even if they don’t have Textfree!
Free calling has never been better. Textfree-to-Textfree calling and any incoming calls are always free. Outbound calling minutes are easy to earn or super cheap to buy. Who doesn’t love free calling?
Textfree is the perfect free texting app for group messaging with all your contacts. You can create groups, leave groups, add participants and let everyone be part of the conversation.
No phone? No Problem. Text free has you covered. Textfree turns your iPod or iPad into a phone, so you can text and call for free. Plus, calls sound even better over WiFi.
• Texting and calling are free back to the US and Canada from anywhere in the world when you have a data connection or WiFi
• Speaking of the world, Textfree is the perfect free texting app for making free calls and sending free texts while you’re abroad.
• Use Textfree as a free second phone line
• Text free is the first free texting app to let users send and receive real MMS picture messages, just like the pricy carriers.
• Real MMS picture messaging works with nearly all other carriers (T-Mobile coming soon). If you try and send or receive a picture message with a T-Mobile user, it might not go through (yet).
• Block numbers, if needed
• Log in securely from any device
• Choose ringtones and text tones
• FREE TEXTING + CALLING APP for both the US and Canada.
• Send unlimited free texts, plus get free unlimited incoming calls from anyone, anywhere in the world.
• Textfree is the original free texting app that you can use with WiFi.
• Send text via your regular number or send free text with your Textfree number
• Free voicemail, too
• Call and SMS any number in the US and Canada, even if you don’t have a calling plan.
• Make Calls on WiFi
• Your texts are 100% free. Pictures are 100% free. Incoming calls are 100% free.
• Never miss messages
• Want some light reading? Our terms of service are here: http://r.pinger.com/and-eula
• Emergency calls are not supported
• Like many free texting apps, Textfree is ad-supported, so you will see ads from time to time.
• When roaming, additional carrier data charges may apply. Contact your carrier for details.
• If your contacts aren’t on Textfree, they might have to pay regular carrier charges for texts and pictures. If that’s the case, be a good friend and tell them about Textfree.
What's New in Version 9.25
Every couple weeks we roll out updates that make Textfree a better place to chat. Get the latest version for the best Textfree experience. If you’re enjoying your free phone number, please consider reviewing our app.
A well-executed app that fits neatly into iOS and provides genuine money saving options.
Your Comments & Opinion
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