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Hamstersoft Free Audio Converter
Editor's Choice

Quickly and easily convert audio files between formats

Operating Systems:
Windows 7 (32 bit), Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows Vista, Windows XP
Software Cost:
Audio, Video & Photo
Date Updated:
18 July 2012
Downloads To Date:
Download Size:
407.00 KB

Just as with videos there are countless different audio formats available, each requiring its own codec. While MP3 may be the most popular format for music files, there are endless numbers of cell phones and portable audio players that use other formats. If you want to share you music collection between multiple devices you may find that you are not able to play certain files that you have been able to in the past.

This is where a tool such as Hamstersoft Free Audio Converter can help you out. Converting audio files from one format to another is something that is made unnecessarily complicated in other programs, but here things are kept as simple as possible. You can load the files you want to work with by simply dragging and dropping them onto the program interface. The next step is to rename any files that are incorrect and you’re then ready to move on.

You can choose from one of a number of readymade templates that will convert files to format necessary to allow playback on different devices. Select the device you would like to convert for and you can then configure additional options such as selecting from a number of suitable formats and setting sound quality. There are other options available such as converting the current selection of files into an album with the appropriate ID3 tags.

You can also convert a number of files into one track by merging them, and all that is left to do is to choose where the new files should be placed. Hamstersoft Free Audio Converter gets a great balance between being wonderfully easy to use, while at the same time offering a wider range of options than is often found in other similar tools.


Like other Hamstersoft tools, this is wonderfully simple to use but none the less functional for its simplicity

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