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Gridy 0.5.0

Take control of your desktop with this tiny window manager

Operating Systems:
Windows 7 (32 bit), Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows Vista, Windows XP
Sector Seven
Software Cost:
System & Desktop Tools
Date Updated:
11 March 2013
Downloads To Date:
Download Size:
208.00 KB

Gridy is a compact tool with several useful options to help you manage your desktop windows.

Once running, for instance, Gridy will automatically snap any windows you move or resize to an invisible grid, very useful if you want to keep them neatly aligned. You're also able to move the windows via the keyboard, just by holding down the Windows key and pressing one of the cursor keys. And if this is a problem for some reason, you can position windows as normal by holding down Shift as you drag them.

Gridy can also remember the size and position of an application window, then restore it from a hotkey.

Pressing Win+F10 will make the current window partly transparent, then switch it back to normal.

Pressing Win+F12 toggles "always on top" for the current window (so even if you click on another application, the first window will stay visible).

And Gridy has plenty of configuration options to help deliver the results you need. You can control the grid size, transparency level, key modifiers and more, far more than we expected for a tiny portable tool which consumes less than 3MB RAM.

The program has some small failings. It appears to assume that you're using the default window border sizes, for instance, so if you've tweaked them, your windows may not quite snap into the right place.

For the most part, though, it works very well, and is a simple way to take more control of your application windows.


Gridy is a lightweight and configurable tool with some useful windows management features

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