When you are at your computer, it’s likely that you have your phone close to hand. When a notification sounds to alert you to a text message or a message from some other app you have installed, you need to break off from what you are doing to look at your phone. With DeskNotifier installed, you can see notification on your desktop.
This is a very simple concept, but it is amazing just how much of a different it can make to your productivity. When you receive an alert from an app, there’s no longer a need to look down from your monitor and you will be able to see what has generated the alert by looking in the notification area of the system tray.
Getting setup is incredibly simple and there’s no need to dig out a USB cable as a connection can be established over wifi. Install a copy of the software on your computer and a copy of the app on your phone or tablet.
There are both free and paid for versions of the software available, and there are a few advantages to going down this route. For a very low upgrade cost (just $0.99) you gain access to a number of extra features. These include the ability to password protect your connection, the option of sending files between your PC and phone/tablet and webpage sharing between devices.
Both version of the app can be used to receive notification from third party apps as well as Android itself, but the Pro version also includes a filtering option. This is useful if you only want to be alerted about particular apps and want to avoid getting overwhelmed by the appearance of too many notifications.
If you’re tired of moving between your phone and your computer to read notification, this could be the tool for you.
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