AutoHideMouseCursor is a tiny portable tool which automatically hides the mouse cursor when it hasn't moved for a specified period of time. This might be helpful if, say, you're taking a number of screen grabs and would like the cursor to stay out of sight.
Launch the program and its single dialog appears, with a delay set to 5 seconds. If you don't touch the mouse, you'll see the timer bar drop down towards zero, at which point the mouse cursor disappears. Move your mouse to restore it.
If the 5 second delay isn't suitable for your needs, use the slider to adjust it. Possible values range from 2 to 100 seconds.
Once you're happy, close the AutoHideMouseCursor window and it will by default minimise to the system tray, and continue running.
Click the program icon in your system tray to restore it later. Check "Start with Windows" if you'd like it to be running all the time, or press Esc to close it down.
If we're taking screen captures and need to get rid of the mouse cursor then we'll just move it off the screen; it's easy, and quicker than waiting for AutoHideMouseCursor's delay to kick in. If you do need to get rid of the mouse cursor automatically, though, this is a simple and effective way to make it happen.
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