Browser Password Remover is an easy-to-use password management tool.
The download includes both a portable and installable version. Whichever one you launch, click "Show all passwords", and it displays the stored passwords for a range of browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer [v7.x - v10.x], Google Chrome, Google Chrome Canary/SXS, CoolNovo, Opera, Comodo Dragon, SeaMonkey, SRWare Iron, Flock).
A "Backup" button saves the list as a text or HTML report for easy reference later.
The main purpose of the program is to remove stored passwords, often a very good idea as it makes it harder for others to steal your credentials. A "Remove" button clears the currently selected password, or clicking "Remove All" wipes the lot.
Version 2.2 brings:
- New feature added to Installer to dynamically download latest version
Browser Password Remover is a very basic tool with no frills or extras at all. But it worked for us, and could be a useful way to review or clear all the web passwords on your PC.
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Recover and display stored browser passwords
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