Clean Master is an Android cleanup app, antivirus tool and app manager.
Launch Clean Master and it displays your used RAM and storage space, along with buttons for its main functions.
Tapping "Junk Files" scans your device for assorted system and app caches, along with other leftovers.Tapping any of these categories displays further details, and you can keep or delete whatever you like.
"Phone Boost" concentrates on running apps, allowing you to stop the memory and CPU hogs, maybe cooling your device down and extending battery life.
"App Manager" displays your installed apps. The list can be sorted by frequency of use, installation date, size and more. You can uninstall anything you don't need, or maybe move apps to an SD card on some rooted devices.
"App Lock" prevents others accessing the apps you select.
"Antivirus" scans your device for malicious apps and security/ privacy vulnerabilities.
Most of this can be configured in detail via a host of settings.
Once Clean Master is set up, you can leave it to run regular scans automatically, or launch it via a "1 Tap Boost" directly from your homescreen.
What's New
1.Android 7.0 Nougat support
2.Optimized Junk Files clean feature to clean faster and easier
3.Optimized the display style of Notification Cleaner ,easier to read
Clean Master isn't just a great Android cleanup tool, it's several excellent apps in one, all of them highly configurable. That's why it's one of the most highly rated apps at the Play Store, and if you don't have a copy already, you should go download it immediately.
Your Comments & Opinion
Clean, optimise and repair your PC with this familiar-looking maintenance suite
Easily free up a little disk space
Clean, optimise and repair your PC with a click
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