WinMoji is an open-source tool which makes it easier to find and use the built-in Windows emojis. "What emojis?", you're asking? Then maybe this is a program you need.
Install and run the program and it displays the full set of emojis in a single box. No need to mess around with on-screen keyboards, they're all immediately ready to use.
If you see an emoji you like, click it and it's copied to the clipboard.
Alternatively, just start typing a descriptive keyword and the emoji list updated with every character to show matches. Try "pig", "Santa", "car", "smile", and so on.
What's new:
Global Shortcut to open and minimize winMoji CTRL+SHIFT+E
Improved Search!
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Is winMoji really a better way to find and use emojis than the Windows on-screen keyboard? We're unsure, but it's simple and straightforward, and if you didn't realise Windows had standard emojis until now then it's an easy way to get started.
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