Many of us default automatically to Apple or Google Maps for our navigation requirements. However, there are some of us who use public transport and both Apple and Google Maps are not necessarily the best for this purpose. Enter TripGo, the app which is focused on transit, bicycle, taxis and ridesharing to get around.
Whilst TripGo covers a majority of cities around the world, there are still some which are not covered. For the cities it does cover, Tripgo provides: Real-time information for public transport, stops and stations with schedules, door-to-door options so you can compare your trip options on cost, environmental impact and time.
TripGo offers several options of transport which include, public transport, (bus, train, ferry, tram, subway, etc.), and private options such as taxi, Uber, and other ride shares, and shuttle services, car routes and car sharing, motorbike, cycle routes, bike sharing and walking.
TripGo is very easy to use and you can easily follow your progress whilst on your trip. One feature you can set on your app is whether you want to save, money, time or the planet and the app will take this into consideration when you are planning your trips and base your travel options on the priorities you’ve set.
The app will also set up your agenda for the day based on your inputs of locations for the day and where you need to be, which is very handy for when you live in the big city and commute to work and also have social events to attend.
The app is free and really provides a great alternative to other mapping options.
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