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The Great Suspender for Chrome 7.1.9

Use this extension to save system resources by suspending Chrome tabs

Operating Systems:
Windows 10, Windows 7 (32 bit), Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows 8
Suspension Labs
Software Cost:
Internet Tools
Date Updated:
10 November 2020
Downloads To Date:
Download Size:
218.00 KB

Browse the internet, stumble across something interesting and it's easier to simply leave a tab or web page open, to refer to at a later hour. Problem is, have a few of these open and you end up using a tonne of system resources.

Why? Each open tab (or separate web page) uses system memory - and energy - to host the images and other dynamic content. Ten open tabs can easily use over 1GB of system memory and if you're using a PC or Mac with a small amount of RAM, you might find Chrome is dominating your resources.

The Great Suspender is a Chrome extension which is designed to completely suspend open tabs.  The options enable you to suspend after a few minutes or hours, depending on how quickly you want to keep an open tab from taking over vital resources. You can stop The Great Suspender from suspend tabs playing audio. One example might include a tab you're using to stream a track or podcast and you want this to keep running in the background.

You can also manually intervene and suspend an open tab by simply clicking an open tab and choosing the extension for quick options. 

Open tabs can be presented in a dark or light mode and they are displayed as a simple blank page which tells you to refresh the page to retrieve the page content.


Superb tool for limiting Chrome from taking over your system resources. Use it fully automated, or manually choose the tabs you want to suspend.

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