The traditional folder structure used to house files is functional, but it not necessarily the best thought out way of organising files. When thinking about a file, you are more likely to remember details about some of its attributes rather than where it was stored - this is particularly true if you work with a large number of files, particularly files over a prolonged time frame.
By assigning tags to your files, it is possible to perform effective searches to track down files regardless of where they may be stored. Search results are displayed using scalable icons that allow for easy browsing.
Tags can be used in conjunction with folders to allow for the fine-tuning of searching with the idea being that even the most disorganised of hard drives can be brought to order.
Leap includes a loupe tool to allow for the viewing of extra files information. The program is a glimpse of how other file organisation tools may operate in years to come, but for the time being it is more of a curiosity than a serious replacement for Finder.
What's New in Version 3.8
Fix a bug with double drags on Leap and Yep.
Fixed a bug relating to pre 10.9 tagging support.
Searching in Leap and Yep is now more stable/faster, in that it does not refresh so often.
Added a button to refresh the search results.
Fixed a few other things.
Leap takes a different approach to file organisation, and while it may appeal to some, for most it will just take too much getting used to.
Your Comments & Opinion
Keep your files organised without the need to resort to using folders
Easily access your favourite folders when opening and saving files
Create lists of files from any folder tree
Automatically organise your files with this rule based utility
Navigate the files on your Mac's hard drive in a more visual way
Enhance OS X's Finder with tabs
Quickly access frequently used folders in OS X
Be more productive with your PC using this superb Windows Explorer replacement
Build, split, merge and digitally sign your PDF files
Monitor file and folder changes on your hard drive in real time
Monitor file and folder changes on your hard drive in real time
A four paned Explorer replacement tool