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Virtual Machine Manager 0.8.4

 Virtual Machine Manager is a graphical front end for managing Qemu, KVM and Xen virtual machines.

Linux 2.20 MB Tested & Secure
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  Qemu-kvm provides full speed virtual machines using the enhancements in modern CPUs and the Linux kernel.

Open Source

KStars shows the night sky, now or in the future, with plenty of information on what's out there.

Open Source

 Audacious is a lightweight audio player that focuses on doing one job well

Open Source

An excellent paint program for children aged 3 to 12.

Open Source

 TreeLine stores almost any type of information, including plain text, HTML, numbers, dates, times and URLs.

Open Source

Create and produce beautiful sheet music using Lilypond

Open Source

The original live CD system, and still one of the best.

Open Source

 Screen is a way to run more than one program in the same terminal, or from different terminal on more than one computer.

Open Source

Graphical interface to parted, using the QT4 libraries as used by KDE4

Open Source
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