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EaseUS releases free ToDo Backup 11 with optimized backup

29 May 2018, Chris Wiles

easeus-todo-200x175How many people backup their data? A decreasing number. The new standard is to upload our data to the cloud, storing our most important files and documents in a remote location and then synchronising those files across our various devices.

Backing up our data is old-school, right?  There’s certainly an element of truth to this. These days, along with the cloud, if you have a password manager, retrieving your important data now takes minutes, not hours. Gone are the days when your system would crash and you’d have to start recovering your entire drive to get access to your system.

But, there are other reasons for choosing a decent backup tool. Migrating you drive to a new computer, migrating an entire partition or simply moving from a HDD to SSD is made far easier with the right tool.


New v11 includes a brand new user-interface

If you are looking for a backup tool, there’s nothing easier-to-use than EaseUS ToDo Backup 11, which has recently received a major upgrade. The most obvious change is a brand new and much cleaner user-interface. Image compression is improved, as is the speed of your backups, the Home version includes an Outlook recovery option and overall performance is given a boost.

Even the Free version of EaseUS ToDo Backup 11 is immensely useful. Whereas most other free backup software will not include differential or incremental backup, meaning you have to run through a complete system backup if you want to safeguard your entire drive, the Free version includes this feature by default. You also get full files and folder backup, so you can pick and choose the files you want to backup, plus disk imaging, for backing up an entire disk. You can also clone and migrate your system drive to a new computer with the Home version of ToDo Backup.

There’s also a Workstation version of ToDo Backup 11, which is aimed at corporations and enables an IT manager to perform centralised workstation backups, access a backup from the command line and a business licence.

EaseUS ToDo Backup Free 11 is available immediately. Home 11 costs $29, whereas the business-focussed Workstation 11 can be yours for $79 per workstation and a server edition for $299.

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