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Quickly access your Office 365 files using My Workspace

11 September 2017, Chris Wiles

myworkspace-200x175There are so many methods for keeping up with your daily tasks that you need a task manager to keep them all centralised. We can’t tell you how many times we’ve had various calendars auto-group our events into one central database, multiple times.

My Workspace from Microsoft is an Office 365 menu bar tool for Mac users. Although it’s only in development stage, it has potential. The basic idea is to bring all your Office 365 information into one central location, so it’s immediately accessible.


My Workspace from Microsoft

Launch My Workspace and you’ll need to login to your Office 365 account. Once this is achieved, you’ll see your daily tasks, basic calendar, and any upcoming invites from other users. The biggest advantage of having this information within your menu bar is that you can easily control the content. For example, if you’re invited to a meeting, you can accept/decline from the drop-down menu. If you get invited on to a Skype conference call, you can access the conference directly from the bar.

Below your daily task list, you can quickly refer to your favourite pinned documents. As an example, if a few people collaborate on a particular Excel spreadsheet, you can quickly see the document and when it was last updated and who made the changes. Alternatively, you can simply see the most recent files changed within your Office 365 OneDrive location.

There’s not much else at this stage. Quick access to your installed Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other Office applications. One-click cloud access to OneDrive and the online version of your Outlook calendar.

Download My Workspace from Microsoft.

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