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ACDSee Ultimate 10 adds Smart Brushes and GPU support

17 September 2016, Mike Williams

ACDSeeACD Systems has unveiled ACDSee Ultimate 10 ($149.99), the latest edition of its powerful image editor.

A new Smart Brush enable users to brush on image adjustments simply by painting over the image area.

The Smart Selection brush adds edge detection, making it just as easy to create selections or layer masks.

Noise Removal offers more fine-tuning and control with Preserve Detail and Preserve Detail Threshold sliders.

Develop Mode has expanded its powers with new support for Skin Tune (polish up your portraits by removing imperfections, smoothing or adding glow), Dehaze, Color Overlay, Gradient Map and more.

Many tools now have non-destructive options available, making it easier to rework and refine your actions at any time.

ACDSee Ultimate 10

Develop Mode gains many new features and abilities

The UI is more flexible and configurable. Turn sections off, on, move, stack or dock UI elements as required, and generally set up the work area to suit your needs.

A faster layering engine and Develop mode’s new ability to use the GPU should improve performance significantly.

Elsewhere, extra filters help to find photos on your system, there’s much-improved mask handling, extended camera and RAW support, and many smaller enhancements and bug fixes.

As previously, ACDSee is also available in a $99.99 ACDSee Pro 10 build which leaves out the Layered Editor, blending modes and opacity tweaks for combined layers, mask tools and direct access to cloud storage.

ACDSee Ultimate 10 and ACDSee Pro 10 are available now in trial form for 64-bit Windows 10 and later.

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