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Malwarebytes ships Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware beta

26 January 2016, Mike Williams

Malwarebytes Anti-RansomwareMalwarebytes has released the first public beta of Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware, a stand-alone ransomware blocker for Windows XP or later.

The application is lightweight, and designed to run alongside other security products without conflict, looking out for ransomware-like behaviour and blocking the process before it can encrypt your files.

There’s nothing to configure for the most part – just an on/ off toggle, a quarantine view and exclusion list – so it’s a true set-and-forget product.

It’s not yet clear how effective Anti-Ransomware is going to be, but the initial signs are good.

Malwarebytes hired Nathan Scott, the developer of the highly regarded CryptoMonitor to work on Anti-Ransomware, so this isn’t some me-too starter product: there’s real long-term experience behind it.


There’s nothing to configure, most of the time – you may never have to even look at the interface

The company has reported excellent results during their own testing, too, saying:

Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware detected all of the latest and most dangerous ransomware variants right out of development and into beta 1.

This means when running Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware, you do not have to worry about getting infected by CryptoLocker, CryptoWall, or CTBLocker. Better yet, it can defeat new ransomware the moment it is released, proactively protecting you from ransomware that’s never even been seen before.”

Still, keep in mind that this is a first beta, bugs are guaranteed, and even Malwarebytes recommends “you to try it out in a non-production environment first“.

Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware beta is a free product for Windows XP and later.

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