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WordPress 4.0 adds content previews, expanding editor

05 September 2014, Mike Williams has launched WordPress 4.0, named “Benny” in honor of the “King of Swing” Benny Goodman.

The new release doesn’t stand out in quite the way that Goodman did – plays it down, in fact, saying “4.0 is just another number for us after 3.9 and before 4.1” – but there are still some worthwhile new features here.

The Media Library no longer restricts you to 20-item list view pages, for instance; an optional Grid View fills the white space with big thumbnails and you just scroll to find your content.

A Details preview simplifies the process of adding multiple media to your posts.

No more paging through the list view – the new Library displays your media in an endless scrolling grid

There’s new support for embedding YouTube playlists, TED talks, and content from Issuu, Mixcloud and

A smarter editor displays true previews of your embedded content, wherever it’s from, without having to preview the entire post.

The editor now expands to fit your content as you type, too, although it’s careful to ensure your formatting commands are always available.

The official release page lists many other details. You can now install WordPress in your own language; there’s language management from the dashboard; mp4 is now on the “allowed upload file types” list; embedded videos should now be responsive on small screen sizes; and there’s plenty more.

But if that’s still not enough, an improved plugin search and more visual grid view make it easier than ever to find the extensions you need.

WordPress 4.0 is available now.

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