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SugarSync for iOS 4.0 boasts elegant redesign, integrates with other apps

16 April 2013, Nick Peers

SugarSyncSugarSync, Inc has released SugarSync for iOS 4.0, a major new release for iPad and iPhone owners wishing access to their SugarSync cloud storage on the move. Version 4.0.0 features a major redesign designed to simplify syncing and sharing, plus integrates with other apps through the “Open in” feature.

The update also adds support for Device Filtering, a feature recently introduced in the SugarSync 2.0.9 desktop app for Windows and Mac, along with Cloud Search, and promises future support for folder labels.

The redesign in SugarSync 4.0 mirrors that found in the desktop and Android apps that were released in February. The aim is to streamline the app’s look and make it easier to navigate. In particular, the design is geared towards simplifying access to recently synced content from other devices, plus makes it easier to both share and view shared content from others thanks to new Shared by Me and Shared with Me tabs.

SugarSync for iOS 4.0 debuts an elegant. much-needed redesign.

SugarSync for iOS 4.0 shows off its new sleek, more user-friendly look.

The iOS app also introduces support for the recently implemented Device Filter, which allows users to sync only specific folders to the cloud from their devices. This feature allows users to view all synced folders or restrict browsing to those shared with a specific computer or mobile.

The new feature has also inspired the Cloud Search tool, which makes it possible for users to search across their entire online storage, not just those folders synced with the iPad or iPhone. From here users can then choose to sync, share or view individual files.

SugarSync now fully supports the iOS “Open in” feature, which allows users to save content to their SugarSync storage from other apps such as Mail or Pages, plus open documents already stored on SugarSync’s servers in compatible apps on the iPad or iPhone.

The desktop update introduced folder labels, and support for this feature is promised in a future version. SugarSync for iOS 4.0.0 is available now as a free download, as are SugarSync 2.0.9 for Windows and Mac, and SugarSync for Android 4.0.1. SugarSync offers a free 5GB storage plan, as well as paid-for plans, with prices starting from $7.49 a month ($74.99 a year) for 60GB.

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