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Microsoft unveils the .NET Framework Repair Tool 1.0

16 June 2012, Mike Williams

Microsoft has released the .NET Framework Repair Tool, a compact and portable executable file which aims to detect and resolve some common .NET Framework problems.

The program focuses mainly on issues relating to installation or updates. If its tests don’t reveal anything obvious in this area, though, it can also apply a couple of generic solutions: specifically, stopping, re-registering and restarting the Windows Installer service. And as a result, the Repair Tool may also help to resolve a variety of other Windows Installer-related problems.

The program itself comes in the form of a single, small executable (828KB) – just download it and you’re ready to go immediately. It’s been designed for non-technical users, too, so there are no complex options to consider: a wizard-like interface walks you through the three core steps, and the entire process could be complete within seconds.

The wizard-like interface quickly walks you through any necessary repairs

Run the Repair Tool, for instance, and it’ll display a licence agreement (necessary as it collects data on your setup – the licence tells you more).

If you accept the agreement and click Next, the program will run nine simple tests, which on our PC took something less than a second.

And the verdict is then displayed, leaving you to either click Next to apply any suggested fixes, or Cancel to close the program down (so no settings will be changed unless you specifically agree to them).

Overall the Repair Tool doesn’t appear to be doing anything too surprising, and we’d hazard a guess that most people will just get the same recommendation to restart and reregister the Windows Installer service. This can be a useful fix for a whole range of issues, though, so on balance it’s probably still worth adding the program to your portable troubleshooting toolkit.

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