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Bluetooth OnOff allows for easy Bluetooth access in iOS

18 April 2012, Software Publisher

Bluetooth OnOffSomething that irritates many iOS users, and drives a large number of them to go as far as jailbreaking their phones and tablets, is the fact that Apple is so strict about what apps are able to do. The guidelines for getting into the App Store mean that it is not possible for any app to replicate an existing feature of iOS, not access system settings in any way that Apple deems inappropriate. Despite this, Bluetooth OnOff has found its way in to the App Store, providing easy access to Bluetooth settings.

Due to battery draining, it is not a good idea to leave Bluetooth enabled when it is not being used. With this in mind, it is strange to find that in order to switch Bluetooth off, Apple makes users jump through a series of hoops in a process that takes several taps. Bluetooth OnOff is a simple little utility that reduces this to a one or two tap process so if you need to enable Bluetooth for a quick gaming session, you can do so in around a second.

Enable or disable Bluetooth with Bluetooth OnOff

Enable or disable Bluetooth with Bluetooth OnOff

Bluetooth OnOff can be used in one of two ways. The first option is to launch the app and then manually select the option to enable or disable Bluetooth, but by adjusting app settings you’ll find that there is a better option available. The app can be set up so that Bluetooth is switched on or off as soon as the app is launched, reducing the amount of time it takes to switch settings even further.

The app features a built in chatting option, but in all likelihood this is just a façade to help get a hady utility through to the store. If you’ve been frustrated by Apple’s restrictions but don’t fancy the idea of jailbreaking your iOS device, this may just be what you have been waiting for – and at this low price you have very little to lose in testing it out for yourself.

You can find out more about the app by paying a visit to the Bluetooth OnOff review page.

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