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Get IObit Advanced SystemCare PRO 4 (worth $19.95) for free!

12 December 2011, Nick Peers

Does your PC feel in need of a good system tune up? With the Holidays just around the corner and some potential quality time with your PC beckoning, IObit’s flagship tool Advanced SystemCare PRO 4 is just the tool you need to get to the root of your PC’s performance and stability problems with the minimum of fuss.

To celebrate the recent launch of Advanced SystemCare PRO 5, we’re giving away full, unlimited versions of ASC PrRO 4, worth $19.95, helping to deliver you the perfect present of a faster, less frustrating computer for the Holiday season.

To get your free copy of ASC PRO 4, which runs on any PC with Windows 2000 or later installed, click on this Download link and follow the instructions to download the software and unlock the full version with the serial code provided. The serial code is good for a year, but hurry though, the download offer expires December 31 2011.

There’s no registration involved, so you don’t have to sign up for anything – everything you need to get and use the full PRO version of the software is provided at its Download page.

Get the full version of Advanced SystemCare PRO 4 for free with our software giveaway!

Optimise your PC
So, what can Advanced SystemCare PRO 4 do for your PC? It’s basically a collection of utilities designed to improve performance, root out problems and even detect and remove malware.

The program is split into four sections: Quick Care for those in a hurry, Deep Care for those who want to fine-tune exactly what the program does, Turbo Boost for a noticeable performance boost with just a few clicks, and Toolbox, a series of shortcuts to 20 portable utilities that can be run directly from within ASC PRO itself.

It’s all very simple to use, but because you’re potentially making fundamental changes to your system, it’s good to know that ASC PRO backs up every change you make, so if – for example – you run into problems after using the Registry cleaning portion of the program, you can quickly and easily roll back your computer to a working state.

Upgrade and save
If you find ASC PRO 4 useful, but want even more features and an even more user-friendly interface, then consider upgrading to Advanced SystemCare PRO 5. We’re able to offer you a whopping 60% saving on the regular price of $19.95, so visit our store to order ASC PRO 5 for just $7.95.

Advanced SystemCare PRO 4 is a full commercial application exclusively available for download for PCs running Windows 2000, XP, Vista or 7. All the information you need to unlock the full version of the software, with its deeper scanning, automatic optimisation tools and choice of 10 user interface themes, is provided at the Download page.

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