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DisCoverJ automatically finds cover art for your MP3s

20 July 2016, Mike Williams

disCoverJWhile there are endless MP3 tag editors around, cover art support is often basic, if it’s included at all.

DisCoverJ is a Java-based editor which focuses solely on cover art, automatically locating, downloading and tagging your MP3s with the right images.

Installation is straightforward on Windows, Linux and Mac. There’s no adware or other hassles and you’re ready to go in seconds.

Tagging is just as easy. Simply drag and drop your MP3s onto disCoverJ, click the Search button bottom-right, and watch.

DisCoverJ uses multiple search engines to find your artwork (iTunes, Amazon, Google, Bing, Deezer, Spotify, Discogs, Gracenote), downloads it, tags the files, and displays the results.


Once the tagging process is over, disCoverJ displays the various covers and details it’s found

We were surprised how fast and accurate this could be. Most of our test files were tagged correctly and with no issues at all.

There were some errors, though, and the interface doesn’t make these easy to fix. For example, we’d hope to be able to multiselect a batch of tracks, right-click and choose a “remove” option to get rid of the incorrect artwork, but there’s no way to do that. Instead you must click each track individually, then click a Remove button to clear that image.

One way around this is to try and fine-tune the search process, perhaps reducing the chance of errors. If you notice the errors are coming from a particular search engine, for instance, you can drop it down disCoverJ’s search order, making the program more likely to use other engines, instead.

If that doesn’t help, there’s also an option to manually check whatever images the program has found, before they’re applied.

Put it all together and there are probably enough safeguards here, but be cautious anyway. Try the program out with copies of 30 or 40 test files, before you think about batch processing several thousand.

DisCoverJ is a free program which runs on Windows, Linux and Mac, and requires Java.

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